About this site

ACTA (Australian Clinical Trials Alliance) is a not-for-profit, member-based organisation with the vision for better health through best evidence. ACTA promotes effective and efficient healthcare in Australia through investigator‐initiated clinical trials and clinical quality registries that generate evidence to support decisions made by health practitioners, policymakers, and consumers. ACTA gratefully acknowledges operational funding from the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund for this project.

The project was co-funded by CT:IQ (Clinical Trials: Impact & Quality), which is a consortium of stakeholders including MTPConnect, whose mission is to develop and implement recommendations that will improve the impact, quality and efficiency of clinical trials, leading to more rapid, lower cost and higher quality evaluation of healthcare interventions in Australia.
The project exemplifies an active collaboration between researchers, research organisations (investigator-led and commercial) and consumers. The Toolkit aims to draw on existing or adapted international resources and newly developed local resources to provide tools and guidance (practical advice for researchers and research-organisations wishing to conduct patient-centred research) on consumer involvement and engagement in clinical trials across Australia.
Should you have any queries please contact ACTA at info@clinicaltrialsalliance.org.au or +61 3 8639 0770.
The 2019 Consumer Involvement and Engagement Toolkit content was led by ACTA and CT:IQ with special thanks to the Toolkit Working Group and project leads including Anne McKenzie, Tanya Symons and Nicola Straiton.
We would like to thank all those who contributed both time and expertise to the development of the Toolkit.
Lead contributors/authors:
- Tanya Symons (T Symons Associates Pty Ltd)
- Anne McKenzie (Telethon Kids Institute and Chair, ACTA Reference Group E)
- Nicola Straiton (ACTA)
Organisations who contributed to the review and content:
- Toolkit Working Group (ACTA & CT:IQ)
- Cancer Australia
- Cancer NSW
- Telethon Kids Institute
- Consumer and Community Health Research Network
- Melbourne Health
- PACER Network
- Cancer Research UK
- Liverpool Clinical Trials Unit (UK)
- NIHR Southampton BRC (UK)
- Imperial College London (UK)
- Envision Pharma Group (UK)
- Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI) (US)
- Dr Ennis Dillon (US)
- Professor Kalaria (UK)